


2020-12-22 11:48:00 | 阅读:

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※考试时间100分钟    试巻满分120分

考生注意: 请在答题卡各题目规定答题区域内作答, 答在本试卷上无效。

首部分   选择题(共50分)



1.They're shoes with_△  . People can use them for seeing in the dark.

A.1ett2015葫芦岛市中考英语试题【解析版含答案】ers               B.1ights                C.wheels        D.colors

2. I didn't sleep we11 because_△    suddenly knocked on the door just now.

A.somebody            B.nobody                C.anybody      D.everybody

3.(2015葫芦岛英语) _△     the sun was shining, it wasn't very warm.

A. Because              B.If                    C.Although     D.Since

4. Some girls won't go out without taking time to dress △  up.

A.ourselves              B.yourself              C.herself        D.themselves

5. -A new museum_△      in Shenyang in May. -Great! Let's go and visit it this summer

A. built                 B. is built              C.will be built     D.was built.

6. Mom, what are you cooking now? It  △  so nice.

A.smells                 B. feels               C.sounds         D.tastes

7.-I'm reallv    △   before the competition.

- Don't worry. Surely you are the best.

A. happy                 B. patient              C.nervous       D.careful

8. (2015葫芦岛英语)-How do you fee1 about the new film?

-    △    I don't like the end.

A.All of a sudden          B. To be honest          C.After all      D.In this way

9. -Your speech is wonderful.

-Thanks. But I'll     △    achieve that if you don’t encourage me.

A. ever                   B. never                C.always       D.sometimes.

10. - _△    can you finish the report?

- In two weeks.

A. How far                B. How long             C.How often    D.How soon

11.(2015葫芦岛英语) - Have you read the library book?

-Not yet, I have just _△   it for three days.

A. kept                   B. lent                   C.got         D.borrowed

l2. Children _△   sit in the front seat of the car. It’s too dangerous.

A. need                    B.needn’t               C.must        D.mustn’t

编辑: 小奔
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